Manage Your Cash Flow and Spending With Nuage Pulse

Living without cash is super convenient. Specially for small enterprises. No more “petty cash” bags, employee compensation checks, or hurried bank runs to make a bill payment. Everything happens with credit cards, online bank accounts, PayPal, Square, and Shopify.

But not having one central bank account makes financial planning even squishier— we don’t really know where our money is going anymore. Payments on bills are automatic. Money flows while we sleep into our account.

In the context, it is all just kind of happening. If we’re not completely sure if we have enough money to cover an expense, we know it’s still going to get paid by credit (debt is another day’s problem).

The net result: we are no longer positive about our financial affairs.

Can we be investing in a new line of products? Hard to tell.

Do we really need a loan or can we cut spending just a little bit? Don’t even ask.

Master Your Finances

David Allen has arguably written the ultimate productivity book, entitled “Getting Things Done.” In it, he calls for a “bottom-up” approach to your life.

That is, if you can find out how to manage the little things that come to you on a daily basis (email, to-dos, appointments, bills), then you will have the mental space and focus to think about your job and your life (what is my vision? What is my contribution to humanity?).

This is the approach we take with small business finances at Nuage Digital. You can’t control your money until you’ve mastered spending day to day.

You need to be able to respond confidently to the following questions in order to master day-to-day spending: Where am I over-spending?

How much cash do I bring in (and go out) every week?

What are my complete responsibilities to spend right now?

Do I have ample cash to cover the expenses?

Introducing Nuage Pulse: real-time financial dashboard for your business

Nuage Pulse is your Financial Dashboard every day. You will see everything summarized in one easy screen: cash, transaction history and weekly cash flow. Depending on your banking institution, the information is updated every 3 to 24 hours, so you still know exactly where you are.

Pulse is now a standard feature of Nuage Digital. You’ll also get access to your new Pulse dashboard when you sign up to let Nuage Digital do your bookkeeping for you.

Stay on top of cash flow and expenditure

You can track every transaction with real-time reporting and identify spending trends as they occur

One login, one Dashboard

Nuage pulse puts all of your accounts and transactions in one location . Nobody likes to jump from app to app or to guess passwords.

Actionable Reports

No need to wade through complex investigative reporting pages to get the data you need. Nuage Pulse puts together all the data you need to control your cash and spending into one single report. Just the necessary details you need to make financial decisions on a daily basis, in real time.

Bookkeeping is a must. Without it, you can’t file your taxes. Without good books you are financially rudderless and can not get a loan or sell your business. Get Nuage Digital to do the bookkeeping you need.


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