5 Ways to Save Money for your Company Every Month

When managing a small business, one of the biggest challenges small business owners face is cash flow. From expenses that you rely on, including salaries, to accidents that happen, or unforeseen costs of running a seasonal company, it’s nice to have any savings that you can make. Luckily, there are some simple ways that you […]

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COVID-19: Its the Time to Have a Good Plan in Place for Internal Communication

There were 135,836 COVID-19 cases worldwide as of 13th March 2020. Businesses are likely to experience substantial impact as the virus spreads both from a viewpoint of humanitarian assistance AND workplace. During moments of uncertainty it is important that employers have a strategy in place to connect with their main stakeholders–in this case, the employees –directly […]

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3 Rules for Small Business Success

Growth is the blood of every small business ‘ life but in many ways it can be challenging. Nuage Digital this week proposes a few guidelines to follow in order to grow your business. Target Audience You know the old saying,’ you can’t please everyone?’ That is also true of small business owners. You need […]

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Safety and Tax Laws for Restaurants

As a restaurant owner, you know that you need to follow specific guidelines for both the security of your restaurant and the fair compensation of your employees. Violations in the restaurant industry, depending on the situation, can be expensive and even dangerous. To make sure you’re compliant in all areas, we’ve gathered a list of […]

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5 Questions to Answer in Year End Performance Review

When you are a business owner with employees the year-end performance reviews may seem like a necessary evil. Also, even though they are constructive discussions, these reviews can be awkward Many tasks, activities, and wins and losses occur throughout the year, and it is vital that you prepare yourself in advance to provide your employee with […]

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