Safety and Tax Laws for Restaurants

As a restaurant owner, you know that you need to follow specific guidelines for both the security of your restaurant and the fair compensation of your employees. Violations in the restaurant industry, depending on the situation, can be expensive and even dangerous. To make sure you’re compliant in all areas, we’ve gathered a list of […]

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Is your payroll provider trustable?

There are a lot of high stakes in play when it comes to payroll: tax regulation, employee loyalty and provider credibility. The question many people have in mind is this: how can I tell if I can trust my payroll company? Today, when evaluating a new payroll company for your small business, we will outline […]

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5 Questions to Answer in Year End Performance Review

When you are a business owner with employees the year-end performance reviews may seem like a necessary evil. Also, even though they are constructive discussions, these reviews can be awkward Many tasks, activities, and wins and losses occur throughout the year, and it is vital that you prepare yourself in advance to provide your employee with […]

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